who knew people would want to write books about math?G is for Googol Schwartz
alphabetical math terms/concepts; good illustrations, bad jokes, ideas for students to relate to concepts, various grade levels
Tiger Math Nagda and Bickel
graphs; picture graphs for comparisons, pie chart (part of a whole). easy to follow, clear graphs to give students ideas to create their own
Math Curse Scieszka, ill. Smith
funny, jokes; good for intro to math/fractions/word problems, then review during or after unit to solve the problems; could use each page for fun parts of assignments to each math concept.
A Three Hat Day Geringer, ill. Lobel
read to younger as counting book/beginning reader; intro to “3rd” “4th”
Math Appeal Tang, ill. Briggs
how demoralizing and depressing -- I’ll cop to being confused by algebra, but elementary counting riddles???? yikes…. oh, thank goodness the answers/explanations are in the back! Clever, cute illustrations, concept is pattern recognition and counting skills.
Roman Numerals Adler
Roman numerals… hence the title.
Fraction Action Liddy
real life examples and good visuals (mostly food) of fractions and sets
How Much is a Million? Schwartz, ill. Kellogg
explanation/comprehension of mill-,bill-,trillion, and how the examples were calculated (1 gallon water per 1” goldfish) -- good for encouraging questioning of “facts”