Saturday, August 4, 2007

Harry Potter

I'm glad it was not only better than I thought it would be, it was very, very good. It made me glad I read it, and glad that my children read it as well.


Slim said...

Yeah, but did so many people/animals have to die?! Warning to those who have not read and intend to, Spoiler coming: Hedwig?! Did she have to kill the owl?

Mr. Nauton said...

Did you finish this one already???? -- weren't you 3 books behind? My lord, woman, have you slept at all????

It almost seemed for this book JKR turned the sorting hat upside down and drew names... "ok, yer dead. You too. Oh, here's another one. Dead, dead, dead...."
Well, I guess she could afford to have a servent pull the names out of the hat...

Slim said...

She could afford a servant for her servant's servant. And yeah...those books are addicting for me. Can't put 'em down. Gotta say though, Im glad Hagrid made it in the end. Totally would have cried big real tears if he hadn't.