Monday, October 1, 2007


not as much time to read lately, between football practice and math & science on the CSET...

Sounder by William H. Armstrong

Newbery Medal 1970

...but read Sounder for the first time, and both loved it and was... troubled? No, not troubled, but it worked its way inside me, even as I was reading, and it made me want so much more -- what does it mean? what is it telling me? what should I, or do I, feel? what happened next, or before? what else has this author written...? It was just one of those books that I could instantly appreciate as quality writing, as art, and as important. I didn't want it to end, yet also I did, so that I could go back and read it again.

Did you ever read Sounder -- what is it all about?

Ever had a book have this effect on you?

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