Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Santa Club

The Santa Club

by Kelly Moss (2011)

Just in time for the holiday, and the mystery of Santa Claus, comes complete with membership certificate and website with countdown to Christmas Day ( First up, Elf #3's review:

"It's a good book for preschool teachers. I didn't really like the St. Nicholas illustrations. It's also a very good Christmas book."

Ok, so he's not my most verbose son, but he did give it two thumbs up. I give it thumbs up as well, although it's not a book for the classroom library, seeing as it not only spills the secret of Santa but preaches the Gospel. Detailed, colorful art and bright graphics, but it's not really a story to read but more like an introduction to a Sunday School lesson. I cracked up on all the "don't tell any other children our secret" warnings.

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