Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Case of the...

...Graveyard Ghost? ...Barfy Birthday? ...Crooked Carnival?

by Michelle Torrey

The detective team of Doyle and Fossey, scientists and sleuths, solve crimes for their neighborhood and teach principles of Science at the same time!

These are very cool, perfect for the classroom, highly recommended books.  Not only are they neat stories, with both clever and gross humor and Encyclopedia Brown (if he was a science/invention nerd) -like mysteries to solve, but just when the reader's curiosity is piqued there is a DIY activity included -- secret codes, dry ice, make your own pulley* -- with clear instructions and plenty of safety tips.  I think these stories (there's a few cases in each book) would be great to introduce a Science unit, to refresh student brains before assessment, even as a quiz: Can you solve the case?

* these 3 are just from one book, the others have been loaned out to neighborhood kids for summer reading; I told them that's what happens when you live next to a teacher!

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